
Hellohello again!

It's time for another set of PBL research. This time about How a brand can be transformed in order to maximize profits!

First, let's start with LO1, What is brand image/brand identity?

Brand identity is something that a corporation creates itself. It's the firms on identity of how it wants to be seen by potential customers and most importantly it's a promise to deliver that product or service that the customer is expecting. So, a well branded company is something that immediately wakes your feelings when you hear/see it, just the name of the company, or logo, or a recognizable product tells you what that company is offering you, is it then high quality service or products, or friendly workers, etc.. that depends on the company.

A brand is thus: a combination of logo, words, type font, design, colors, personality, price, etc.

Brand identity is then, as you guessed, the way the customer actually then perceives the corporation and it's products and/or services. It's what the customer is expecting to get when they enter your store. To create a brand image takes a lot of time, it has to be something that emotionally touches the customer every time they hear or see it.

Source: http://www.forbes.com/sites/loisgeller/2012/05/23/a-brand-is-a-specialized/#2a2df42b504a

The picture on the below explains both words quite well in my opinion.
Source: http://hivedigitalmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/fierce-branding.png

LO2 How to brand, methods, brand identity models etc..

Different brand identity models have been introduced by David Aaker, Jean-Noël Kapferer and Kevin Lane Keller.

The first one is Aaker's brand identity planning model. It suggests that the brand should be looked from for different point-of-views:
1. The brand-as-product.
Product thrust is usually a core element of a brand. The attributes that relates to the purchase of a product may provide both functional and emotional benefits for the buyer.

2. The brand-as-organization
This focuses more on the organizational attributes rather than product-level attributes. This can be innovation, interest in environmental issues, culture etc. of the company.

3. The brand-as-person
A brand can also be perceived as having a its own personality. This attribute can be perceived as more interesting than a brand-as-product. It can become something that helps customers express their own personalities, create relationships between the brand and the customers as personalities affect relationships between people and finally, communicate product attributes.

4. The brand-as-symbol
Visual imagery, metaphors, and brand heritage. These can provide great value to the brand so that it can be recognized and recalled easier.

Source: http://www.zanthus.com/databank/strategy/marketing_strategy.php

Kapferer's brand identity prism:

1. Physique - the main features of the product
2. Personality - the human character and attitude
3. Relationship - includes beliefs and associations about the brand
4. Culture - the integral representation of the brand and the organization
5. Reflection - how the brand is reflected in the customer mind
6. Self-image - the relation of the customer and the brand (can use or buy the product)

Source: http://www.comindwork.com/weekly/2014-12-08/productivity/brand-identity-prism-kapferer

LO3 Good/bad examples of brand identity

Bad example: Posti / Itella name changes etc.


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