PBL 3 studies


Hello hello!

It's yet again time to do some studies for the class, unfortunately I can't attend it because I'm ill. Last time we talked about brand strategy in class. This lead to having brand strategy as the actual problem of our case, and two learning objectives as follows: 1. What are the brand strategy processes behind strong brands? Explain by example.
2. What are the steps of a re-positioning process behind strong brands? Explain by example.

So, as usually I'll start with the first one.

1. What are the brand strategy processes behind strong brands? Explain by example.

First of all, a company should look at itself and try to get a deeper understanding of what they have to offer. Looking at the firms business strategy will also help. Knowing your target audience is of course important as well, not targeting everyone can actually be better than targeting everyone.

Look at your brand personality. It should stand for something, and whatever that is should be seen everywhere. Remember also that your brand is a promise: a promise to the customer to deliver what you stand for. Tell your brands story: what is it, what does it stand for, what it guarantees, etc..? 

Sources: https://hingemarketing.com/blog/story/a_10_step_brand_development_strategy_for_your_professional_services_firm

2. What are the steps of a re-positioning process behind strong brands? Explain by example.

Repositioning a brand follows the same steps as original branding, however as the customer already has a brand image of you, you must teach them to know the new brand rather than the old one. There might be help from:

1. Communication, if you communicate carefully you can move the customers thought´s from the current brand to the new one.
2. New products and packaging - if it looks different it must be different, right?
3. Associate with other brands, use the name in several different products and branches to strongly attach into your customers minds.

So, how do some companies succeed in re-positioning a brand and some don't?

Some firms need to re-positioning due to declining core markets in their brand. They then completely re-positions their brand without just trying to move it to new market segments. Marketing strategies and tactics are changed to fit the new target audiences.

I guess that enough for today, now I'll try to get better!

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