Integrated Marketing Communication PBL Task 2


Yello again!

This time we'll discuss about integrated marketing communication, what it is and why Your company should do it. I will also give and example of a campaign going on at my current workplace! At the last PBL session we came up with three learning objectives as following:

1. What is IMC? And why to do it?
2. What are the elements of a successful IMC?
3. Find some examples. Why do you like / dislike them?

So, let's start with number 1 once again.

IMC or integrated marketing communication is an approach to achieve the goals of a marketing campaign. These goals are reached by using several different promotional tools and methods which are supporting each other. So, in other words: A marketing campaign that gives the same or same kind of message in each channel used and together these channel's not only support each other but strengthens their message.

Sources for LO 1:

2. What are the elements of a successful IMC?

The elements of a successful IMC.. Hmm. I believe it's something that draws attention, that gets people to wonder what this is about. An ad that does not tell you everything but "requires" you to check up on it later. Something new that catches your attention, something funny for example. Or an ad or a mixture of ads that you see at bus stops, your smartphone, tv, radio, Youtube etc. Something that you then have constantly in your mind. Something special, as in this Forbes article: .

A marketing campaign for people who think spaying and neutering your pet is inhumane. This campaign was done in a very clever way. There were "condom vending machines" installed in popular parks around San Francisco and if you took a "condom" out of the machine you could unfold it to a information leaflet. This was one way to spread the word of a serious issue, using humor and imagination.

3. Find some examples. Why do you like / dislike them?

I currently work at DNA, which is the 3rd largest telecommunication operator in Finland. DNA offers services such as mobile phone lines, fixed lines, mobile internet, pay TV-services, selling smartphones and tablets, and lots of other things. DNA recently re-worked its brand and a part of that was the new customer promises: Always from us; 3-year guarantee, affordably, with no extra fee's included and rebate-promise. These are used in every single marketing channel DNA uses and makes up for a great IMC.

In this Youtube ad you can see a new smartphone that was released and the promises communicated in the end of the video:

A same kind of ad can be seen on TV as well. The phone (Honor 8) is also marketed via DNA:s Facebook-page and the front page of DNA:s website. Honor 8 ad's keep rolling in DNA:s stores as well. Also, the customer promises can be seen everywhere. Something that not all people know: DNA actually uses its employees on these ads. The guy in the Youtube-ad is Topi and currently he works at one of Helsinki's DNA-stores. For me that is also a very clever way of marketing. Topi, and other DNA employees that's been seen on the ads have been recognized by many customers which can lead to being able to do more sales.

I did not use as much time to this blog because I'm acting as an observer in our upcoming PBL session!

Over and out,


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